Hi! Saw that Phantasma mainnet is close to be released and its staking function. Would like to know if it will be integrated to Nash to stake other currency.
as far as i know, no. Only NEX will be available for staking
Neo and Gas too I hope
Nope, is not true. But if you have NEO in your wallet, you will automatically generate GAS.
Does Phantasma has staking contract? How does that work?
Something for the future maybe…?
Hope they gonna provide full function for the tokens that are listed, like Tezos staking for coinbase. I imagine a place where I got my Nex dividends, my Gas from Neo, my Kcal from phantasma and more staking. Excited
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And presumably other security tokens in the future.
NEX is NEP5 token, so if you hold NEO in your wallet, it will automatically generate GAS.