Community update: New login, 1 NEX stake to post

Nice one, been a lurker from the start now I can post whenever.

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Excellent, was waiting for this :slight_smile:
Now I will wait for exchange on mobile app.

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About time someone made it easy to log in with Nash ID lol :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Aye. I’d been lurking for months, not logged in because of how the old system worked when I changed browsers. :grin:

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Hey all been a nex supporter for awhile glad that was east to merge my account!

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worked like magic. simply stake, logout and login and boom, works :+1:
well done, team! Now i can post from my phone as well. :blush:


Excellent update! And we know that all posters have skin in the game too!

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This was very beneficial for me, thanks.


too much notification for a simple connection it’s unpleasant…

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It’s a bug and has been reported to developers.


Hello to the community. Been here from the ICO in stealth mode. Good luck to the team and all the supporters


Thanks for this guys, it is very much welcomed and appreciated! I will be more active here for sure now!

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I used a different email for the community then i did for Nash. I couldn’t access the community anymore with that email so i changed the email address to the one i used on the community, this worked as well.

@carla i don’t have any stakes and yet i can still reply here, so the stake is needed only for new posts?

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Hi @Frank it seems to be you hit a corner case because you have NEX and one stake that expired today. We are looking into it.

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To be precise, it expired 2 days ago, and i released it today.

@canesin Now what if people have staked all their NEX for 6 months? Do they need to acquire 1 more NEX to post here? That doesn’t really make sense, and imo it should be at least 1 NEX for the smallest staking period, 1 month. Then anyone staking NEX can use the community without the trouble of getting 1 NEX from somewhere else.

I don’t think you guys meant this as a push to get al large part of the community to all buy 1 more NEX right?


Cool! Now finally from iPad at the sofa!


Thank you! nice integration


Looks good! :+1: